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Showing posts from October, 2017

What's The Grossest Fast Food Chain?

When you're grabbing a snack from one of Britain's fast food dining establishments, how confident can you be that your meal was prepared hygienically? We did the maths, and made ourselves a little paranoid in the process. from gizmodo

The difference between Hybrid and Multi-Cloud for the Enterprise

Cloud computing still presents the single biggest opportunity for enterprise companies today. Even though cloud-based solutions have been around for more than 10 years now, the concepts related to cloud continue to confuse many. Of late, it seems that Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud are the latest concepts creating confusion. To make matters worse, a number of folks (inappropriately) use these terms interchangeably. The reality is that they are very different. The best way to think about the differences between Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud is in terms of orientation. One addresses a continuum of different services vertically while the other looks at the horizontal aspect of cloud. There are pros and cons to each and they are not interchangeable.   Multi-Cloud: The horizontal aspect of cloud Multi-Cloud is essentially the use of multiple cloud services within a single delivery tier. A common example is the use of multiple Public Cloud providers. Enterprises typically use a multi-clou

This Star Wars-Inspired Simulation of Human Reproduction Is Awesome

The microscopic processes involved in human fertilization are a difficult thing to convey visually, but a group of scientists, using Star Wars as their inspiration, have managed to do just that, creating a highly entertaining and informative video—while accidentally stumbling upon a new scientific discovery in the process from gizmodo

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence & GPUs for Cybersecurity

This post is sponsored by  NVIDIA . All thoughts and opinions are my own.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents a significant opportunity to solve problems previously either not easy to solve or worse, not possible to solve . The combination of AI along with today’s Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) technology provides an added boost to those leveraging sophisticated algorithms in their deep learning solutions. These sophisticated systems are able to train deep learning models and ultimately lead to predictive insights. The objective is to move from reactive to proactive and finally to predictive insights. The breadth of opportunities that AI presents is wide, however, a significant opportunity is in the Cybersecurity space. One company leveraging the power of AI & GPUs is recent Nvidia Inception Program award winner Deep Instinct . Deep Instinct leverages deep learning to provide insights for zero-day malware detection in both endpoint and mobile devices; two of the key areas of

British Spies Accused of Gathering Untold Social Media Data on Innocents, 'Unlawfully' Sharing it With Foreign Powers

One fear is that the data could be used in operations involving unlawful detention or torture, or to identify targets for extrajudicial killings. from gizmodo