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Showing posts from November, 2018

Elon Musk Denies That SpaceX's Mars Colony Will Be a Ticket Out for the Rich

Musk said there will be little in the way of time for leisure, and even if Mars inhabitants can tough it through the initial trip and daily work, there’s still a chance that the conditions on Mars could result in death. from gizmodo

Our Publisher Told Us to Tell You That it's Knocked 20% off Magazine Subscriptions for Black Friday

Our publisher has knocked 20% off all magazine subscriptions for the Black Friday weekend, and we were told to tell you all about it. They are the perfect lazy Christmas present, after all. from gizmodo

Deplatformed Russian 'News' Site Sues Facebook, Days After Its Accountant Is Charged by US Special Council  

The company accuses Facebook of “engaging in censorship” on the basis that having their page banned is somehow an infringement of the US Constitution. from gizmodo

On Value Stream Management in DevOps, and Seeing Problems as Solutions

You know that thing when a term emerges and you kind of get what it means, but you think you’d better read up on it to be sure? Well, so it was for me with Value Stream Management, as applied to agile development in general and DevOps in particular. So, I have done some reading up. Typically, there seems to be some disagreement around what the phrase means. A cursory Google of “value stream DevOps” suggests that “value stream mapping” is the term du jour, however a debate continues on the difference between “value stream mapping” (ostensibly around removing waste in lean best practices) and “value streams” – for once, and for illustration purposes only, I refer to Wikipedia : “While named similarly, Lean value stream mapping is a process-based practice that seeks to identify waste, whereas value streams provide a higher-level overview of how a stakeholder receives value.” Value streams are also seen (for example in this 2014 paper ) as different to (business) processes, in that they ...

Ralph Breaks the Internet's Directors on the Importance of Slaughter Race, the Film's Grand Theft Auto Clone

The scene is one of the film’s big highlights, a true showcase for everything that makes the latest game in the world of Wreck-It Ralph just right. from gizmodo

Smyths Toys' Black Friday Offerings Just Got a Bit Better Thanks to a Voucher

Smyths Toys' Black Friday offerings just got a bit better: there's now a £5 off or a £10 off voucher you can use when shopping in-store, on top of existing reductions. It's valid until Monday 26th November. from gizmodo

Observations from Mariana Trench Show Inner Earth Is Sucking Up Far More Water Than Previously Thought

The Earth around the Mariana Trench, which contains the deepest point on the planet, could be slurping up at least 4.3 times more water than we thought. from gizmodo

Search Team Finds Missing Argentine Submarine ARA San Juan in Pieces on Floor of Atlantic Ocean

Almost precisely a year later, authorities have found the ARA San Juan, the Argentine submarine that went missing on Nov. 15, 2017, with all 44 people on board reported missing still unaccounted for. from gizmodo

Doctor Who is Getting a New Year's Special

You won't be celebrating Christmas with the Doctor, but you can bring in the new year with her: confirmed by the Doctor Who magazine, Doctor Who is getting a New Year's Special rather than a Christmas special, which will air on New Year's Day. from gizmodo